Health & Safety Policy -Dance For Life Devon CIC
Dance For Life Devon CIC is a dance organisation based in Plymouth who offer movement classes to the local community.
Staff and participants have a right to operate in an environment where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. As a dance organisation it is our policy to maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for everyone involved, and to provide such information, training and supervision as necessary for this purpose.
Where reasonably practicable, this policy will seek to provide and encourage:
- A safe place to work and safe dance environment, with safe access to and from it.
- Safe arrangements for the use, handling and storage of equipment.
- Provide up-to date information, instructions, training and supervision to ensure any/all employees are well equipped to avoid hazards and contribute positively to effective Health & Safety at work.
The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the organisation changes in nature and size, to ensure that our responsibilities are met in relation to:
- Health & Safety at Work Act (1974)
- Management Regulations (1999)
- Other relevant current legislation
Responsibility of Dance For Life Devon CIC
As a dance organisation, it is Dance For Life Devon’s responsibility to:
- Decide what could harm staff/participants and the precautions necessary to stop it.
- Complete all necessary risk assessments before each dance class.
- Explain how risks will be controlled and tell staff who is responsible
for this. - Consult and work with any staff we employ in order to protect everyone from
harm in the workplace or dance environment. - Provide necessary Health & Safety training for any staff employed.
- Provide a first aid kit and maintain an accident book.
- Ensure that a number of staff members are trained first aiders
- Report any major injuries to First Aider.
- Have the appropriate insurances in place. This includes displaying Public
Liability Insurance Certificates where they can be easily read. - Work with any other employers sharing work space or dance studio to ensure
that everyone’s health and safety is protected. - Obtain DBS numbers from all Dance Leaders and Guest teachers as and when
appropriate. - Ensure safe storage/use of substances or any Hazardous products is locked
away and no one under the age of 18 allowed access.
Responsibility of All Staff Involved to:
Help maintain the safety and security of participants /visitors/guest teachers in the working/dancing environment.
Be aware of risks, knowing the appropriate action to take and identifying any potential safety issues.
Ensure reasonable care is taken during their work activities to avoid accidents or injuries to themselves, students and other people in the vicinity. Report all potential hazards affecting Health & Safety to Linda Hesselden.
Report all accidents and record in the accident book.
Follow any training received when using equipment or materials in a class.
Observe all safety instructions and procedures incorporated in the Health & Safety Policy.
Key Policy Guidelines and Instructions
1. Accidents and First Aid
- All accidents should be recorded in the DFDL’s accident book.
- First Aid Boxes and Ice Packs are on site
- In the case of a medical emergency, staff are to call 999 and follow instruction given.
- Defibrillator is on site at HHDC Dance Studio
- All emergency contacts are available on site on DFLS iPad
2. Safety Checks
a) Equipment
Correct storage of equipment is vital to minimising risks. Any equipment not being used is a potential risk. Every piece of equipment that is being used must be checked before commencing any dance classes to ensure its safety for use. In addition, care must be taken to:
- Make sure all equipment/resources used are safely and securely stored after each session.
- Any damaged equipment is removed for use.
- Ensure that leads are in good working order.
- Ensure that the audio system is switched off after each class.
- Ensure any music systems used are unplugged and stored safely.
- Ballet barres to be moved by two people in the correct way after training.
- Any extra heating required such as fan heaters are not placed in a
potentially hazard area.
b) Dance Space/Building
Before entering it is our responsibility to ensure:
- Floors are clean with foreign bodies removed.
- Check if any mirrors are unbroken.
- Check plug sockets are safe with no wires showing.
- Ensure doors and exits are secure and there is nothing blocking
emergency exits. - Identify any light fittings/light switches that are not working or loose.
- Chairs are available if required for participants
- Access to the dance space/toilets is accessible for all
- Drinking water is available
- Ensure that all participants are wearing appropriate clothes and footwear to move in to minimise accidents or risk.
- Bags to be stored safely out of the dance space
- All participants will be required to fill in a Dance For Life Devon health registration form and disclaimer before participating in any movement sessions.
- All participants are advised to consult with their doctor/consultant before attending a DFLD movement session
3. Fire Safety
It is crucial that all staff to include dance leaders and guest teachers involved in classes maintain a working knowledge of the fire procedure at the building in which they are working, including location of fire alarms
A register of students must be taken at the start of every class and it is the dance leaders responsibility to ensure that this is done.
In the event of a fire/fire alarm, all participants must gather at the designated meeting point - details given at the start of each class.
4. Security
- Any unidentified person seen on the premises must be reported to a member of staff.
- Any suspicious items must be reported to receptionist or a member of staff.
- Staff/Dance Leader to have access to a mobile phones at all times in case of emergency
- At least two members of staff or dance leaders to be on site at all times
Health & Safety - Safe Dance Practice
Dance For Life Devon aspires to:
- Excellence in dance and movement classes for the local community
- A focus on health and fitness through inclusive dance
- Deliver sessions that are safely and effectively led by appropriately qualified and experienced Dance Leaders
- Ensure that all sessions are planned using up-to-date information on healthy dance practice, injury prevention and dance science
- Session are delivered in safe and appropriate spaces to work in
- Content of all sessions will be planned specifically for each individual programme offered by DFLD
- All session will start with a health check in - ensuring the dance leader knows the relevant information regarding participants health and well - being at that particular session
- Dance Leaders will enquire on injuries prior to the class starting and adapt the session accordingly
- All sessions will include a warm up and cool down
- All participants are encouraged to work at their own pace/level
- Adaptations will be be made for each individual participants when needed
- Seated movement work will be encouraged when required
- Participants will be given breaks throughout the session
Reviewed: August 2024 by L. Hesselden and M. Pourian